Preorder ciclops Loppi-moon and Mizuki
Hello my wonderful cakes (´。• ᵕ •。`)
I am happy to inform you about the pre-order that will take place on july 31. In this pre-order will be available :
🌸 Blumnt
🌸 Light lemon yellow ( NEW )
🌸 Chocolate ( NEW )
🌸 Light Pink
🌸 Blumnt ( NEW )
🌸 Light grey
🌸 Light pink
🌸 Chocolate ( NEW )
Wigs-shoes-dresses and Outfits will also be available
Preorder will be open -
july 31
at 3pm local time in Paris.
Hugs. Villi ^ o ^
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Will the green tea doll have the spiral makeup like in the photo, or the hearts makeup like the other dolls? I just am curious because it is the only one different than the other colors.
july 31
at 3pm local time in Paris.
Hugs. Villi ^ o ^